We can no longer stay silent.

We are speaking up against the disturbing acts of antisemitism taking place in Ottawa.

Sign this letter to all Canadians.

February 7, 2024

To our fellow Canadians,

Since the October 7, 2023, terrorist attack by Hamas on Israeli citizens, a disturbing wave of antisemitism is surging through our Canadian communities. Now on the four-month anniversary of that attack, we face a crucial moment.

In response, on December 22, 2023, leaders from Ottawa united to take a stand. Nearly 100 influential voices joined to denounce this surge of hatred against our Jewish community members.

This denouncement of hatred was appreciated by the Jewish community, but more must be done.

Read the letter of thanks from the Jewish Federation of Ottawa.

The ongoing incidents of antisemitism across Canada represent a national emergency, one that calls for immediate and decisive action from us all. 

Antisemitism undermines the core values of Canada.  The threats, vandalism, and protests targeting the Jewish community are not just isolated acts of hatred; they are direct assaults on the principles that define us as a nation.

Your voice is crucial in this battle against intolerance. Your stance against antisemitism is not just a personal statement; it is a vital contribution to our national fabric. Add your name now to affirm your support that hate has no place here.


The original December 2023 letter

An open letter from concerned Ottawa citizens.

December 22, 2023

The Hamas terrorist attack against Israeli citizens on October 7, 2023, sent shockwaves across the world, and sadly, our city has not been immune to its fallout. While together we accept peaceful protest and respectful debate in our Canadian democracy, we also stand united in condemning hate in any form.

Unfortunately, over the weekend, the ongoing conflict in the Middle East reached a courtroom in Ottawa with a suspect being held for a terror plot against our Jewish friends, colleagues and neighbours, and a protest at one of our local shopping centres targeting children and their families in another escalation of antisemitic hate and an attack of our Canadian values and traditions.

Anti-Jewish hate has dramatically escalated since the beginning of October when a local Jewish day school was the target of a bomb threat, and graffiti and other acts of vandalism were found at a Jewish-owned shopping centre, and on the streets of a local neighbourhood. Antisemitism has made it difficult for Jewish students in our public schools and our colleges and universities. This can never be allowed to become the new normal.

As leaders in the Ottawa community we have collectively served, built businesses, taught and mentored future leaders, and worked to build our wonderful city. We urge all Ottawa residents to join us in standing up against antisemitism by showing our Jewish community members that they have our support and that we will not tolerate any attacks on them.

The late Rabbi Reuven Bulka was a beloved friend to many of us. He reminded us to be kind, he showed us acceptance and he always stood for what is right. Rabbi Bulka was a shining example of what Ottawa stood for, and together, we will stand in solidarity with our Jewish community in that light.


Francisco Alvarez Morphy

Rudi Aseer

Bernie Ashe

Rob Ashe

Stephen Assaly

Hon. John Baird, former federal cabinet minister

Janice Barressi

Darrell Bartraw

Erin Benjamin

Cynthia Bland, CEO, Voice Found

Bryan Brulotte

Tony Brunst

John Budden

Joan Burney

Derek Burney

Devinder Chaudhary

Bob Chiarelli, Former MPP, Regional Chair, Mayor

Sueling Ching

Michael Church

Ray Coutu

Code Cubitt

Michael Curran

Jeffrey Dale

Duncan Dee

Bharati Desai

Laura Dudas, Councillor

Jim Durrell, Former Ottawa Mayor

Steve Edgett

Jacques Emond

Geoff Erskine

Marion Fraser

Chris Froggatt

Richard Fromm

Francoise Gagnon

Lee Geerts

Goldie Ghamari, MPP, Carleton

Scott Gorry

Mark Goudie

Colin Green

Lynne Hamilton, Former National Chair, Equal Voice

Todd Hamstra

David Hill, Councillor

Jeff Hill

Domenic Idone

Grant Jameson

John Jarvis

Chantal Jasmin

Steve Kaminski

Jason Kelly

Bill King, Deputy Reeve, Lanark Highlands

Warren Kinsella

Jack Kitts

Tim Kluke

Cuckoo Kochar

Albert Labelle

Mark Laroche

Robin Lee

Jonathon Li

Bruce Linton

Matt Luloff, Councillor

Yilong Ma

Dan MacKay

Lisa MacLeod, MPP, Nepean

Richard Mahoney

Jim McCaw

Brendan McGuinty

Glenn McInnes

Peter Nicholson

Larry O'Brien, Former Ottawa Mayor

James Orban Sr.

Mike Potter

Gordon Quaiattini

Robert Rheaume

Ronald Richardson

Elizabeth Roscoe

John Ruddy

Lisa Samson

Michael Sangster

Ernie Schroeder

Dr. Pravin Shuckle

John Sicard

Susan St. Amand

Dean Tester

Ron Tomlinson

Matt Triemstra

Brent Vandermeer

Joe Varner

Phil von Finckenstein

Michael Waters

Paul Wells

Shirley Westeinde

Jeff Westeinde

Jonathan Westeinde

Vern White, Former Ottawa Police Chief

Jeff York